Friday, May 21, 2010

Nothing Like the Present...

Let's move on from the past, between the filling of the boxes and now there was endless planting, frustration, replanting when I realized the plant was in the wrong spot, forgetfulness, rain, exhaustion, a dog toy, an electic fence (which solved that problem), a baby crib, and finally done!!

Here it is in all its beginning of the season glory!!

The maple tree you see is to the south and the gardens are strategically situated to be covered by shade between the time of 2 and 4pm.... didn't know I had it in me, did ya?! The lovely wooden trellis in the background is made from a recalled baby crib, I love finding those little treasures. The blue buckets contain my tomatoes as I didn't want them taking over the garden, who wants to bet that they'll fall over before the season is over?

Bed 1: This bed is in the sun longest and contains the warm loving plants, the back row has one orangeglo watermelon for sure and three of the following: cucumber, pumpkin, cantalope, or another watermelon. In my eagerness to fill my life with green growing things I sort of left out the less important things... like labeling. I do however know that the four plants in front of it are three broccoli and one cauliflower, which ones which, well that will have to be a surprise. The five little plants you see are peppers. They are of various colors and one is a hottie, I think. Okay, maybe labeling might be higher up on the importance scale... collard greens are in here somewhere and I have two little lonely squares just waiting for me to fill them up with...

In the small holes you see nasturim, marigolds and an unknown flower... this time its the fault of the cat. Oh yeah... eventually there will be a trellis up for the back row.

Bed 2: This has two bush squash hastily replanted after I realized they need like nine squares each... I figured they could each have 8. The unidentified green object is green onions transplanted from the compost pile. No plans to eat, just hope they'll have some sort of keep the bug away powers.

Bed 3: My favorite bed, this one contains lettuce, planted late, but I'm still hopeful, carrots, a little bok choy, some radish seeds from 2002 that are coming up strong and 8 different types of beans that will be crawling up the lovely trellis.
Thats it for now.. the humourous side of me is a bit tired but shall be back in full vigor soon enough.

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